Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Fresh new books!

I wanted to make a book about the garden.  It's a shared garden and at some point someone has planted loads of beautiful plants, so when summer comes it's full of flowers.  It's also really quiet and looks onto the Churchill Theatre, and I feel like many tenement gardens it has an element of secrecy to it as you can't see it from the street.
I had stumbled upon a technique of monoprinting directly from plants a while ago and wanted to use that and keep it really simple.
I also wanted to experiment with editioning so made about 8 books, all slightly different.  It's a good process to use for editioning as you can print several at the same time.
These will be on sale at MacNaughtan's bookshop in November when we have our Artist Book Group exhibition.
Garden Book

Garden Book (detail)
Garden Book (detail)

Holy Corner Mandala Book

Holy Corner Mandala Book (detail)

I'm currently exploring mandalas as a way of making drawings and books.  Mandalas are traditionally circles with often complex patterns within them and are used in spiritual practices such as meditation as tools for raising consciousness.  In Tibetan Buddhism they are considered sacred.  I want to use the format of a mandala to make interesting and experimental drawings that may also have a spiritual aspect to them and may contain reiki or deeksha energy.

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