Monday, 9 May 2011

Recent creations...

Since around Feb/March I've had lots of commissions and presents to make for friends and relatives.  Here are some pics of them to prove that I've not been skiving but have in fact been working away.

Okay, so I was on holiday last week up north (with gorgeous weather!) but am now ready to get back to my studio, and after I finish my current present-project (for beautiful baby Mairi) I'll get stuck into making work for the McNaughtan's bookshop exhibition in November.  

Possible subjects include dance, spirituality, ancestry, and I'm still not finished with my vet school drawings!  So that lot should keep me out of mischief for a while anyway.

Baby Memory Book for Graham and Lily

Baby Memory Book for Graham and Lily, it's a concertina with pockets and envelopes for them to collect things for their new baby

Detail of baby book.  I like the idea that something as mundane as a bus ticket or shopping receipt will be interesting in 20/30/40 years time.  Or is it only me who would like to see how much a loaf of bread cost on the day they were born?!

Copy of Jill Barklem's illustration: 'Bramley Hedge, Spring story', for baby Mairi's nursery

Paula and Donna's honeymoon memory book

Honeymoon memory book detail

Afternoon tea! I was very proud of this particular creation

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